Rabu, 23 November 2011


There are basically 2 types ~ VERs & CERs Trading.
1. A CER stands for Certified Emission Reduction and is a certificate issued by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as part of the Kyoto Protocol. Each certificate represents 1 metric ton of GHG that a project in a developing country has reduced, stored or avoided, enabling a developed country to purchase in order for them to comply with their own capped targets in line with Kyoto.

2. A VER is a Voluntary Emission Reduction, the concept the same as above, but outside the Kyoto Protocol regime. However, these projects have been assessed and validated by objective third parties and placed on public registries. Although currently smaller than the CER market, the growth by the private sector is already mushrooming with expectations within the industry that it will soon overtake the compliance market, especially with the anticipation of the cap and trade system soon to be implemented within the US.

• In the compliance market, companies, governments and other entities purchase carbon offsets to comply with regulation.
• In the voluntary market, individuals, companies and governments buy offsets to mitigate their emissions from transport, electricity consumption, etc.

Companies often purchase carbon credits for corporate branding and to raise their profile. It is increasingly popular for businesses to advertise themselves as carbon friendly / neutral or display the types of projects they have invested in to assist global warming issues, improve bio diversity and help local communities in developing countries. Even major rock bands like the Rolling Stones buy carbon credits to offset their emissions when touring. The other reason for the private investor is the “pre-compliance buy” or those buying in anticipation of regulation which is already happening in Australia & China in 2012 with many others likely in the coming years. The world population is increasing at an alarming rate and is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050 and has quadrupled in the last century alone. 3% annual global growth rate will result in the doubling of consumption & production of food and other commodities within the next 25 years. Limits imposed by law on GHG emissions globally will undoubtedly continue to increase. Already when you buy products and services you are often asked if you want to offset your emissions (when booking a flight for example). So less emissions allowed and more people and products polluting will drive the demand and need in the marketplace considerably.

• Botanoo provide safe and direct solution to remain close to you throughout the process, without intermediaries! Carbon Credit equivalent pay Botanoo, Danish company directly. For money you will receive a package of carbon coupons. This capital, along with the company's own money is invested in green power plants profitable UNITED NATIONS certified Carbon Credits for the production of countries such as China, India, Korea, Brazil, Switzerland, Denmark.


URL: http://www.botanoo.com/indonesia1
Sponsor name: indonesia1

REWARD : 1,000,000.00 €URO

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